
Kingston Independent Residents Group

PETITION: Reopen Blagdon Park walkway

LATEST UPDATE: Thank you to local residents who took the time to meet with me, other councillors and the lead officer for the Burlington School project to discuss the closure of the Blagdon Park pathway.

The officer has been instructed to push back on the contractors who have cited ’health and safety’ for the closure and lack of consultation.

The good news is that we have already won a concession: the path will reopen evenings and weekends.

This seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the strong views expressed by residents. We’re now insisting on one further:

1) reopen the pathway also during the school run;

2) remove the hoardings and replace with a gate; and

3) BIG signage across the park to give opening times.

Keep signing and sharing the petition below.

PETITION: Reopen Blagdon Park walkway

Dear Councillors,

We, the undersigned, call on Kingston Council to reopen the Blagdon Park walkway, instructing contractors working on Burlington School to reopen the walkway whenever it is safe to do so for the benefit of local residents and families.

%%your signature%%

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Kingston Independent Residents Group

Demanding Better for Kingston

Independent Group Office
Guildhall, High Street
Kingston, KT1 1EU

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