
Kingston Independent Residents Group

REVEALED: Secret Council plan to demolish New Malden sorting office

INDEPENDENT champions James Giles and Yvonne Tracey have uncovered Council plans to demolish New Malden Sorting Office, with fears that the Post Office could soon follow.

The Council confirmed their intention to demolish this community asset at a meeting of the Finance and Contracts committee at the end of February, after being challenged by James Giles.

Over 1000 local residents signed a petition earlier this year in an attempt to save New Malden Post Office from being franchised, demonstrating the strength of feeling that the service must be retained on the High Street in New Malden. The next nearest sorting office is located on Villiers Road in Kingston.

Further documents outlining secret conversations between the Council and Royal Mail Group have been recently revealed online by the Kingston Enquirer, confirming talks are ongoing to demolish the sorting office in New Malden.

Former Deputy Manager of New Malden Post Office, Yvonne Tracey, said: “It is disgraceful that the Council would even contemplate demolishing our sorting office, which would leave residents having to travel to Villiers Road in Kingston to collect their mail.

“This is a vital community asset, and I’d urge all residents to sign our petition to Save New Malden Sorting Office.”

The petition to Kingston Council can be found below.

PETITION: Reopen Blagdon Park walkway

Dear Councillors,

We, the undersigned, call on Kingston Council to reopen the Blagdon Park walkway, instructing contractors working on Burlington School to reopen the walkway whenever it is safe to do so for the benefit of local residents and families.

%%your signature%%

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Kingston Independent Residents Group

Demanding Better for Kingston

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