Can we help?

Our teams are working all year round for all residents of Kingston upon Thames - from Tudor to Chessington - Surbiton to Malden Manor. Do get in touch if we can be of assistance, or if you want to join us!

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    Prefer to chat? We'd be happy to.

    020 8050 5096

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    Kingston Independent Residents Group

    Demanding Better for Kingston

    Independent Group Office
    Guildhall, High Street
    Kingston, KT1 1EU

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    If you support us, please join us for just £10 a year and help us make Kingston better, together.

    Thank You

    Welcome to the Kingston Independent Residents Group

    Thank you for visiting the Kingston Independent Residents Group.

    If you're here to read more about the plans to remove the Fountain Roundabout, click HERE.

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