
Author: admin

Your local Independent councillors have revealed Lib Dem plans to remove the Fountain Roundabout, replacing it with a crossroads. Being briefed on the plans, Independents were told that they “must not tell” residents about these plans - which have a price-tag to the taxpayer of £5m - so naturally, they are breaking the silence. In 2016, the then-Conservative Council introduced an identical proposal to remove the Fountain Roundabout and replace it with a crossroads. Your Independent Councillors led the campaign against the removal, supported by Kingston

Councillor Yvonne Tracey has launched a petition to Marks and Spencer urging them to make one of their 20 new food stores in the UK in New Malden. This follows the sad closure of Wilko on the High Street this week (w/c 11/09/2023). James Giles wrote to Marks and Spencer plc in August, following news of Wilko going into administration, to express the strength of feeling locally about having a strong retail offer in New Malden, and now Yvonne wants to demonstrate the strength of

LATEST UPDATE: Thank you to local residents who took the time to meet with me, other councillors and the lead officer for the Burlington School project to discuss the closure of the Blagdon Park pathway. The officer has been instructed to push back on the contractors who have cited ’health and safety’ for the closure and lack of consultation. The good news is that we have already won a concession: the path will reopen evenings and weekends. This seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the

Cllrs James Giles and Yvonne Tracey are urging residents to join them in demanding a meaningful fix to the Kingston Road Cycle Lane. In a report coming to the New Malden Neighbourhood Committee on 26th January 2023 (7.30pm at Richard Challoner School), the Lib Dem-run Council outlined the steps they intend to take to 'fix' the cycle lane, which include: ❌ MORE bollards on the Kingston Road, without any consideration of curb-height segregation ❌ Cars STILL allowed to park in the cycle lane on Kingston Road ❌ NO

A former post office worker gained a seat from the Liberal Democrats in a Kingston Council by-election yesterday. Yvonne Tracey, 67, of the Kingston Independent Residents Group, won with 46.3% of the vote and a 209 vote majority. Green Lane and St James ward in Kingston-upon-Thames now has two councillors from the KIRG. Tracey said: “I still can’t quite believe it. I feel very humbled that 855 people voted for me. “I hope that I can pay them back by working as hard as I can for New Malden.” She will be

A candidate not representing the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or Labour holds a seat in the council for the first time ever in Kingston, as the Lib Dems increased their majority in the borough. James Giles, representative of the Kingston Independent Residents Group – Malden Matters, took the seat from Liberal Democrat Simon Edwards in the Green Lane and St James Ward. The news was announced after a recount in the borough revealed that Giles had won by just eight votes. Earlier in the day, Giles commented on

AN URGENT petition has been launched by Independent Residents after Kingston Council failed to make a decision on a 9-storey tower block at the former Tudor Williams site on New Malden High Street. The non-determination of the tower block means the developer has now appealed to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol who will get to make the final decision on the application, instead of local elected ward councillors. This has led local residents, supported by the Kingston Independent Residents Group, to crowdfund over £7,000 for a

Sign the petition at: https://www.change.org/p/royal-borough-of-kingston-end-the-charges-at-villiers-road-tip-kingston-upon-thames Kingston Council are proposing a number of changes to VILLIERS ROAD TIP , which will further increase fly tipping in our borough. They plan a new “fair use” policy which restricts the number of visits a resident can make and a CHARGE of £5 per bag for non-household waste. Non-Household waste is defined as rubble and hardcore, but also house fixtures and fittings, such as carpets and tiles, and also sheds and fencing/ timber. These are the things a resident might have to

The Kingston Independent Residents’ Group have called on a Lib Dem Councillor to come clean about her involvement in a racist incident. The call follows a Local Government Ombudsman report – uncovered by Surbiton Green Councillor, Sharron Sumner (LINK)  – which reveals a young child was racially abused by a swimming teacher at a council swimming pool in 2019. Although the swimming teacher is not identified by the Ombudsman, evidence points to Cllr Lesley Heap as the perpetrator. Lesley Heap has been a Lib

Kingston Independent Residents Group

Demanding Better for Kingston

Independent Group Office
Guildhall, High Street
Kingston, KT1 1EU

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If you're here to read more about the plans to remove the Fountain Roundabout, click HERE.

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