
November 2022

A former post office worker gained a seat from the Liberal Democrats in a Kingston Council by-election yesterday. Yvonne Tracey, 67, of the Kingston Independent Residents Group, won with 46.3% of the vote and a 209 vote majority. Green Lane and St James ward in Kingston-upon-Thames now has two councillors from the KIRG. Tracey said: “I still can’t quite believe it. I feel very humbled that 855 people voted for me. “I hope that I can pay them back by working as hard as I can for New Malden.” She will be

A candidate not representing the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or Labour holds a seat in the council for the first time ever in Kingston, as the Lib Dems increased their majority in the borough. James Giles, representative of the Kingston Independent Residents Group – Malden Matters, took the seat from Liberal Democrat Simon Edwards in the Green Lane and St James Ward. The news was announced after a recount in the borough revealed that Giles had won by just eight votes. Earlier in the day, Giles commented on

Kingston Independent Residents Group

Demanding Better for Kingston

Independent Group Office
Guildhall, High Street
Kingston, KT1 1EU

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